Validation Workshops on Child Protection Services and Quality System Completed

The “Validation Workshop on Child Protection Services and Quality System” took place on Tuesday, 31 October 2023, in Ankara. The workshop commenced with the opening remarks from Mustafa Bilir, Deputy Director General of Ministry of Family and Social Services, Directorate General of Child Services, Bayram İnce, Head of Department of Research, Development and Project and Tarık Tuncay, the Key Expert of Özne Çocuk Project.


The first session of the workshop, attended by 50 participants from public institutions, civil society organizations and academia, examined the current situation of child protection services and the quality system in Türkiye through the findings of the field study conducted on this matter. The second session delved into the alignment of child protection services in Türkiye with the EU standards.


After the lunch break, participants engaged in focus group work exploring themes surrounding the accessibility and comparative analysis of child protection and child care services. During these group work, participants crafted set of recommendations aimed at enhancing the accessibility and quality of child protection services. The recommendations drafted by the groups were then shared with participants in the closing session of the workshop. The workshop concluded with evaluations of the day.