“Adım Adım Savunuculuk Çalıştayı” Buluşmalarının Dördüncüsünü İzmir’de Gerçekleştirdik!

Özne Çocuk olarak 4-5 Mayıs’da 2023 tarihlerinde “Adım Adım Savunuculuk Çalıştayı” buluşmalarının dördüncüsünü gerçekleştirmek üzere İzmir’de sivil toplum örgütleriyle bir araya geldik.

During the two-day workshop, we worked on child rights and advocacy together with civil society organizations active in different areas of child rights such as child protection, child participation, child labour, early marriage, migration and child poverty. Local governmental bodies working in the field of child rights have also participated in our event.

What did we do at the workshop?

For two days we sought answers to the following and many more questions;

  • What is advocacy?
  • What are the key concepts of advocacy?
  • How do we advocate?
  • What should we pay attention to when advocating?
  • How to plan and run an advocacy campaign focused on children's rights?

We also discussed inspiring good advocacy work in Türkiye and created an interactive sharing setting with the active participation of civil society organization representatives. We had the chance to exchange ideas on what can be done in the field of advocacy at the workshop where we shared experiences and had group work.

New Opportunities for Cooperation between Civil Society Organizations

The workshop provided an atmosphere where representatives of civil society organizations and participants from local governments shared their experiences with each other and established promising opportunities for new collaborations. Participants shared their experiences related to child rights and advocacy and had the opportunity to explore how can they work together.

Advocacy Case Studies

Çalıştayın ilk gününde önce savunuculuk ve çocuk haklarında iletişim kavramları konuşuldu, ardından interaktif grup çalışmalarıyla bu kavramlar uygulamalı olarak ele alındı. Senaryo çalışmaları sayesinde katılımcılar uygulamalı olarak sahada karşılaştıkları zorlukları deneyimleme şansı edindi. Çalıştayın ikinci günü ise iyi örneklerin sunumlarına yer verildi. Katılımcılar, farklı hedef kitlelere yönelik çocuk hakları ve koruma temalı vaka çalışmaları gerçekleştirdi.

During the workshops, both successful and unsuccessful examples of advocacy work were discussed and participants exchanged ideas and inspired one another.

Click for “Public Advocacy for the Rights of the Child: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating an Action Plan”!