The Convention on the Rights of the Child, signed by the United Nations General Assembly on November 20, 1989, entered into force on September 2, 1990. The convention, to which 196 countries with Türkiye is a party, has the distinction of being the human rights document ratified by the most significant number of countries in the world.
The document, which is based on the survival and development of children, non-discrimination, observance of the child’s best interests and participation, is a guide in the field of children’s rights.
The Convention has four guiding principles and essential requirements for fulfilling all rights.
1. Non-Discrimination
Article 42 of the Convention, irrespective of their religion, race or ability; regardless of what they think or say; whatever their culture; It proclaims the equality of all children, whether boys or girls, rich or poor.
2. Outstanding Benefit of the Child
Any decision or action that may affect children should always give priority to their best interests.
3. Ensuring the Child’s Presence and Development
Every child has the right to life. It is the responsibility of individuals with decision-making powers to provide them with every opportunity to grow and realize their potential.
4. Participation
Children are experts in their own lives and experiences and should be consulted on decisions that affect them. Every child has the right to express their own opinion.
In our work carried out within the scope of Özne Çocuk, we contribute to the development of the institutional capacity of the relevant institutions, taking into account the child’s best interests.