"Communication, Coordination and Information Sharing Document" is Now Available!

The "Communication, Coordination and Information Sharing Document" prepared by the Özne Çocuk experts after about a 5-month long work, is online!

The Communication, Coordination and Information Sharing Document was prepared by Özne Çocuk experts in order to make key recommendations to strengthen intra- and inter-institutional coordination, communication and cooperation in the four focus areas of child rights and thus contribute to the more effective implementation of child rights in Türkiye.

The preparation of the document started in February 2022 through a working group established by the Ministry of Family and Social Services (MoFSS) with technical assistance from the project. The working group consisted of the Directorate General of Child Services of the MoFSS, the General Directorate on the Status of Women (DGSW), the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MoLSS), and the technical assistance team members, comprised of academics, representatives of civil society organizations and practitioners, who continued their work for five months.

Qualitative and Quantitative Studies Conducted!

The study initiated with qualitative and quantitative studies. In the study, which was carried out through regular discussion and consultation among the working group members, qualitative research was conducted with the central organization, while quantitative research was employed for the provincial organization. Within the scope of the quantitative study, a field study covering the implementation process of the services was conducted to identify problems, communication failures, and bottlenecks in communication, coordination and information sharing. In the said field study, the topics of child protection system and child labour were covered. As for the qualitative component, in-depth interviews were carried out with 12 DGCS personnel, along with one focus group discussion with the participation of 15 personnel from various general directorates of MoFSS and another one with the participation of 6 personnel from MoLSS Department of Employment Policies.

As a result of these qualitative and quantitative studies, first, the "Communication Processes Current Situation Report" was prepared. The Communication, Coordination and Information Sharing Document prepared based on the above-mentioned report addresses the current situation of inter- and intra-institutional coordination, cooperation and communication mechanisms regarding child protection and child rights and offers recommendations for improvement. In addition, it addresses the coordination, cooperation and communication mechanisms within the MoLSS and with other institutions, organizations and civil society, especially in combatting child labour, and offers recommendations for improvement.

The Communication, Coordination and Information Sharing Document develops comprehensive recommendations for improvement for the challanges and bottlenecks identified in all three areas by using the theoretical framework referred to in the literature as the "3C Model" to analytically address the relationships and functioning of various actors, institutions and individuals playing a role in the child protection system in order to implement child rights at the highest level in Türkiye. “3K Modeli” olarak anılan kuramsal çerçeve kullanılarak her üç alanda karşılaşıldığı tespit edilen problem ve darboğazlara yönelik kapsamlı iyileştirme önerileri geliştiriyor.

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