Özne Çocuk Meets With Civil Society!

In May and June, we met with civil society organizations working on child rights in Ankara and İstanbul. In our interviews, we had the chance to learn about the needs of civil society regarding advocacy and the challenges faced in public cooperation. We also exchanged ideas on how to solve the problems.

In light of the information obtained in these interviews and the work of our project experts, we have prepared a document titled "Public Advocacy for Children's Rights: A Step-by-Step Guide for Preparing an Action Plan".

Why Are We Preparing an Advocacy Document?

One of the objectives of our project is to improve the relationship of the end beneficiary with civil society organizations (CSOs) specializing in child rights and to support the improvement of public - CSO cooperation. In addition to this support, through our work, we also aim to strengthen the advocacy capacity of CSOs and their ability to monitor welfare, protection and care services for children.

We Met with 18 Civil Society Organizations!

We first started off by meeting with civil society organizations at the field. We met with the following civil society organizations;

  • Muradiye Kültür Vakfı
  • YADER – Yetiştirme Yurtlarından Ayrılanları Koruma Derneği
  • CESAV- Çevre, Eğitim, Sağlık ve Sosyal Yardımlaşma Vakfı
  • KOREV- Koruyucu Aile, Evlat Edinme Derneği
  • Hayat Sende Gençlik Akademisi Derneği
  • ECHA- Engelli Çocuk Hakları Ağı
  • ÇOHAG – Çocuk Hakları Gönüllüleri Derneği
  • Kalben – Koruma Altında Yetişen Gençler ve Koruyucu Aile Derneği
  • IKAD- İstanbul Kadın ve Kadın Kuruluşları Derneği [İstanbul Foster Care Association]
  • ÇARE-DER Çocuk ve Aile Rehberliği Derneği
  • Genç Hayat Vakfı [Young Lives Foundation]
  • Maya Foundation
  • Save the Children
  • Aydın Doğan Foundation
  • Bilgi University
  • Suna & İnan Kıraç Foundation

During the interviews with these CSOs, questions were asked about needs and current situation analysis. We will use the data obtained for preparing the "Public Advocacy for Children’s Rights: A Step-by-Step Guide for Preparing an Action Plan".