Communication, Coordination and Information Sharing Strategy Document Workshop Completed

As part of our project, the Communication, Coordination and Information Sharing Strategy Document Workshop took place on Wednesday, 1 November 2023, in Ankara. Approximately 50 participants from public institutions, civil society organizations and academia attended the workshop.


The opening speech of the workshop was delivered by Emre Ertekin, Family and Social Services Expert of the Ministry of Family and Social Services. Mr. Ertekin underscored the crucial role of coordination and collaboration in the field of child protection and emphasized the need to develop a strategic document to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of work in this field. Likewise, during his address, Tarık Tuncay, the Key Expert of the Özne Çocuk project, highlighted that the workshop aimed to identify challenges in communication, coordination and information sharing within the field of child protection, and to draft recommendations addressing these challenges.


In the first session of the workshop, the conceptual framework and the results of the current situation analysis of the communication, coordination and information sharing strategy document were reviewed. The second session focused on the challenges faced in communication, coordination and information sharing.


After the lunch break, participants engaged in focus group discussions centred on the themes of communication, coordination, and collaboration, drafting sets of recommendations on these topics. These recommendations were then shared in the closing session of the workshop. The workshop concluded with evaluations of the day.